Ellington, L., Mercier, S., Motes-Rodrigo, A., van de Waal, E., & Forss, S. I. F. (2024). Urbanization does not increase ‘object curiosity’in vervet monkeys, but semi-urban individuals selectively explore food related anthropogenic items. Current Zoology, zoae022. Article link.
Forss, S. I. F., Ciria, A., Clark, F., Galusca, C., Harrison, D. & Lee, SA. (2024). A Transdisciplinary View on Curiosity Beyond Linguistic Humans: Animals, Infants, and Artificial Intelligence. Biological Reviews, Article Link
Birchmeier, K., Johnson-Ulrich, L., & Forss, S. I. F. (2023). The role of umwelt in animal curiosity: A within and between species comparison of novelty exploration in mongooses. Animal Behavior and Cognition, 10(4), 329-354. Article Link
Forss, S. I. F. & Willems, E. P (2022). The curious case of great ape curiosity and how it is shaped by sociality. Ethology. 128, 8.
Forss, S. I. F., Motes-Rodrigo, A., Dongre, P., Mohr, T., & van de Waal, E. (2021). Captivity and habituation to humans raise curiosity in vervet monkeys. Animal cognition, 1-12.
Article Link
Forss, S., Motes-Rodrigo, A., Hrubesch, C., & Tennie, C. (November 2020). Chimpanzees’(Pan troglodytes) problem-solving skills are influenced by housing facility and captive care duration. PeerJ, 8, e10263.
Forss, S. I. F., Motes-Rodrigo, A. & Tennie, C. (April 2019). Animal Behavior: Ape Curiosity on Camera. Current Biology. DOI:https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2019.02.055
Forss, S. I. F., Motes-Rodrigo, A., Hrubesch, C. & Tennie, C. (January 2019). Differences in novel food response between Pongo and Pan. American Journal of Primatology.
Carter, G., Forss, S. I. F., Page, R. & Ratcliffe, J. (May 2018) Younger vampire bats (Desmodus rotundus) are more likely than adults to explore novel objects. PlosOne.
Schuppli, C., Forss, S. I. F., Meulman, E., Utami Atmoko, S., van Noordwijk, M. & van Schaik, C. (November 2017) The effects of sociability on exploratory tendency and innovation repertoires in wild Sumatran and Bornean orangutans. Scientific Reports 7: 15464.
Forss, S. I. F., Koski, S. E. & van Schaik, C. P. (August 2017) Explaining the paradox of neophobic explorers: the social information hypothesis. International Journal of Primatology. 1-24.
van Schaik, C. P., Forss, S.I. F., & Damerius, L. A. (April 2017). How the origin of curiosity may have boosted hominin cultural evolution. Paper presented at the the American Association of Physical Anthropologists (AAPA), New Orleans, Louisiana. American Journal of Physical Anthropology, Supplement, 64, 391.
Forss, S. I. F., Damerius, L. A., (shared 1st authorship) Kosonen, Z. K.; Willems, E.; Burkart, J. M.; Call, J.; Galdikas, B. M.; Liebal, K.; Haun, D. & van Schaik, C. P. (January 2017) Orientation toward humans predicts cognitive performance in orangutans. Scientific Reports 7: 40052.
Schuppli, C., Forss, S. I. F., Meulman, E., Zweifel, N., Lee, K., van Noordwijk, M. A. & van Schaik, C. P. (September 2016) Development of foraging skills in two orangutan populations: needing to learn or needing to grow? Frontiers in Zoology.
Forss, S. I. F., Willems, E., Call, J. & van Schaik, C. P. (July 2016) Cultural differences between orang-utan species: a test of the cultural intelligence hypothesis. Scientific Reports 6: 30156.
Schuppli, C., Meulman, E., Forss, S. I. F., Aprilinayati, F., van Noordwijk, M. A. & van Schaik, C. P. (June 2016). Observational learning and socially induced practice of routine skills in wild immature orang-utans. Animal Behaviour.
van Schaik, C. P., Burkart, J., Damerius, L., Forss, S. I. F., Koops, K., van Noordwijk, M. A. & Schuppli, C. (February 2016) The reluctant innovator: orang-utans and the phylogeny of creativity. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B Biological Sciences.
Forss, S. I. F., Schuppli, C., Haiden, D., Zweifel, N. & van Schaik, C. P. (June 2015) Contrasting responses to novelty by wild and captive orangutans. American Journal of Primatology.
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